life is so much simpler when we were kids. you know how simple things could bring a smile in our faces? a balloon, a toy, a chocolate bar, a slice of cake, an ice cream cone, or just a walk in the park was sure to brighten up our day. but as we grow older, may it be consciously or unconsciously, it seemed that we just got harder to please. suddenly any toy won't do anymore, it has to be a certain kind or brand. the chocolate bar now has to have nuts, caramel or wafer inside. the cake must be chocolate, not just any chocolate flavor but should be chocolate fudge. the ice cream should have colorful sprinkles on top. and a walk in the park won't do, we'd have to have rollerblades on or a skateboard. i think it's human nature that as we mature, we crave for more (in every aspect of the word).
being a grown-up is not so bad and has it's own perks too. we get to decide on our own (at least most people do. hahaha), we learn to appreciate things on a level that's more than what we see or initially perceive. we learn to listen and reason. and the list goes on.
but today, i just want to go back to the simplicity that is having a child's temporary contentment. hence the following photos:
i'm still working on getting the newer models. mom can you buy me one?
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