Saturday, September 6, 2008

Religions and other Affiliations

religion is a never ending debate.  even the dumbest person can have a valid argument when it comes to his religion or faith.    

i'm a catholic, a non-practicing catholic at that.  haven't heard mass for the longest time.  even when i was in manila, i rarely go to church.  not primarily because i'm lazy, i can go if i want to.  instead, most of the time i choose not to.  the political meddling of the church with the state, the politics within the church itself, some medieval beliefs and basically the sanctimoniousness of some church leaders.  these are just some of the reasons that i can think of off the bat why i opt to not to go to church.  like most people with the same sentiments, i choose to just pray and voice my thoughts in my own way and in my own time.  

i am not an atheist as i believe in a higher being.  although i have nothing against atheism, i just cannot fathom the thought that there is no higher being or force that watches over us.  maybe i believe in a supreme being to feel safe and comfortable.  maybe i believe because i want someone to run to when the going gets tough or when i feel like something is missing.  maybe because at the end of the day, that is all i have.  faith.  faith that someone is guiding me and that everything happens for a reason.   hey, whatever works for you.  right?


Looking For The Source said...

we all have our own beliefs and all that.

and in times where these are the topics of discussion, id shut up and listen...

its like you can tell all you want, all you think, about yours and my religion... but i dont give a damn...

ian said...

@ lfts - true. different strokes for different folks, aight?