Sunday, September 28, 2008


let me start by saying that this is not a dramatic post, not even close to one. i just had the quickest shower-and-prepare-for-work routine this morning. the company car is supposed to pick us up at 7:35 for work, and you know what time i woke up? i woke up at 7:15! plus you know how time fleets so fast in the a.m.? good thing my hair is really short, so that's 5 minutes out of the way. hahaha
ah, the joys of cold weather. i love it, it reminds me of christmas. i hate it, it makes getting up in the morning a bitch.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Run, Run, Run

winter is fast approaching, which means that gaining weight is just like is inevitable. and believe me, the last thing that i need now is to gain more weight. hence, i am planning to run regularly (that is aside from going to the gym). and what better way to monitor my improvement and stats than to track my run, distance, elapsed time, heart rate and calories burned. it doesn't come as a surprise that i NEED the new Nike+ SportBand (i already asked a colleague to get me one in the US and he'll be back about 2 weeks from now!)

when nike and apple came up with the Nike+ iPod SportKit (the one for the iPod Nano) i already wanted to get one. the only problem was, i didn't have a nano and i'm not sure if it is compatible with a Touch. so instead of getting a Nano or the new 2nd gen iPod Touch (still contemplating on this one) i decided to go for the SportBand.

at in preparation for that, i got myself a new pair of Nike+ trainers. tada....

i can't wait for my SportBand to arrive. but until then, i'll just lounge around the sofa and my bedroom...that's in preparation for my RUN! hahaha

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

True Blood

i'm sure most of you have already heard about HBO's new show True Blood (from the creator of Six Feet Under). i was able to download the pilot episode and watch it last night. at first i thought it was a drag, but as the episode progressed it became quite interesting.
i'm an Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles fan hence my high standards when it comes to vampire movies and books. fangs, squirts of blood, corpses and leather pants are not enough for me. it has to have the over-all mystery of immortality and at the same time the beauty of death.
so far, so good. i'm sure to follow the succeeding episodes of this show. until, of course, i find a reason to lose interest.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Religions and other Affiliations

religion is a never ending debate.  even the dumbest person can have a valid argument when it comes to his religion or faith.    

i'm a catholic, a non-practicing catholic at that.  haven't heard mass for the longest time.  even when i was in manila, i rarely go to church.  not primarily because i'm lazy, i can go if i want to.  instead, most of the time i choose not to.  the political meddling of the church with the state, the politics within the church itself, some medieval beliefs and basically the sanctimoniousness of some church leaders.  these are just some of the reasons that i can think of off the bat why i opt to not to go to church.  like most people with the same sentiments, i choose to just pray and voice my thoughts in my own way and in my own time.  

i am not an atheist as i believe in a higher being.  although i have nothing against atheism, i just cannot fathom the thought that there is no higher being or force that watches over us.  maybe i believe in a supreme being to feel safe and comfortable.  maybe i believe because i want someone to run to when the going gets tough or when i feel like something is missing.  maybe because at the end of the day, that is all i have.  faith.  faith that someone is guiding me and that everything happens for a reason.   hey, whatever works for you.  right?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let's Rock

Apple is set to stage a music-related event next week, Sept. 9th. and techies are speculating that Jobs might be introducing a slew of new gen ipods. woot woot. there have been rumors about a revamped nano. using the old gen's elongated body with the new gen's wide screen for video playback. but i don't really care about that. i'm more eager to know if they will be launching a new version of the touch. i like my touch now. i'm so used to it's easy navigation and controls. my only gripe is that it's pricey and the memory is not enough (i have a 1 year old 16gb). as per the forums, they are predicting that the new touch, if ever they will launch one, will be cheaper just like the iphone 3g and will sport a bigger memory.

let's just wait 'til next week. so if you're planning to get an ipod, better hold off and see what Apple has in store for us.